Lupine Russell [ Lupinus Polyphyllus Russell ] is a source of vibrant, majestic late-spring, and it is a trouble-free, reliable garden performer that will bring many years of delight from a single sowing! The tall
Lupine Russell [ Lupinus Polyphyllus Russell ] is a source of vibrant, majestic late-spring, and it is a trouble-free, reliable garden performer that will bring many years of delight from single sowing! The tall blooms arise along at least 1/3 of these tall, erect 3-foot spikes, opening from the bottom up for an even longer bloom time! Vigorous, fully hardy plants spread about 12 to 16 inches wide, creating a bushy mat of bright green foliage beneath the bloom spikes.
Lupine Russell [ Lupinus Polyphyllus Russell ] is a magnet for butterflies, and this flower fills the summer garden with bright color and a great vertical accent. Long-lasting in the garden or vase, it is a great size for the back of the border or for the sunny bed.
The plant attracts bees, butterflies and/or birds
Height: Up to 4 Ft.
Bloom Season: Spring/Summer
Environment: Full Sun/Partial Sun/Dry/Moist
Bloom Color:
Pale Yellow
Light Blue
Medium Blue
Dark Blue
Dark Purple/Black
White/Near White
Sow Inside: Before last frost
Sow Outside: Spring/Fall
Seed Depth: 1/4'' - 1/8"
Days to Emerge: 15 to 40