Passiflora tarminiana is cultivated for its edible delicious fruit. The fruit is yellow-orange when ripe and contains a sweet edible orange-colored pulp with black seeds.
Passiflora tarminiana is cultivated for its edible delicious fruit. The fruit is yellow-orange when ripe and contains a sweet edible orange-colored pulp with black seeds.
Fruits taper at both ends, are 10–14 cm long by 3.5–4.5 cm wide, and ripen to yellow or light orange. The fruit contains many seeds which are embedded in an edible, orange aril.
It is the second most common species in cultivation in South America after P. tripartita var. mollissima and is considered more disease resistant than that species. The fruit is also eaten in New Zealand
Passiflora tarminiana (or banana passionfruit) is a species of passionfruit. The yellow fruits are edible and their resemblance to small, straight bananas has given it the name banana passionfruit in some countries. It is native to the uplands of tropical South America and is now cultivated in many countries. In Hawaii and New Zealand, it is now considered an invasive species. It was given the name banana passionfruit in New Zealand, where passionfruit is also prevalent. In Hawaii, it is called banana poka. In its Latin American homeland, it is known as curuba, curuba de Castilla, or curuba sabanera blanca (Colombia); taxo, tacso, tagso, tauso (Ecuador); parcha, taxo (Venezuela), tumbo or curuba (Bolivia); tacso, tumbo, tumbo del norte, trompos, tintin or purpur (Peru).
Passiflora tarminiana is a high climbing vine with hairy stems and petioles. Where the petioles join the stem it has stipules that are 4–7 by 2–3 mm and are soon deciduous. The leaves are three-lobed and hairy below but usually hairless above. The flowers are solitary and hang downwards. The base of the flower has pale green bracts enclosing a swollen nectary chamber. The floral tube (hypanthium) is 6–8 × 0.7–1 cm and pale green, while the sepals and petals are 3–6 cm long, pink and perpendicular to the floral tube, or reflexed.